When you view journey details in Airpay you can see the status of the transaction, gateway, processor and journey. The table below explains what some common combinations of these status' mean.

Here are how these payment types appear in Airpay:
- Payment that has failed Smart Auth increase, likely due to the customer not having enough funds for the higher final fare. (See this article about recapturing these funds):

- Payment has failed Smart Auth increase, and has also failed a second attempt at recapturing these funds (See this article about recapturing the original lower amount for these funds):

- Payment authorisation that has been cancelled after the customer authorised their card, as the booking was cancelled:

- Payment that is authorised, but un-captured, because the journey is not complete yet (See this article about manually completing journeys):

- Payment that has been refunded (See this article about how to refund a payment):

- Payment that has completed, but has not been added to a payout batch yet:

- Payment that has completed, and has been settled (paid out in a batch):

- If no payment details are visible, he customer did not initiate payment via Airpay.