- Log into Airpay and click on the Transactions Tab.
- At the top of the page, click on Failed, this will bring up all the failed transactions list for your Fleet.
- The failed transaction report will show you the following information; Information, Trip (Journey Number), Transaction Reference, Customer Name, Charge (Including Airpay), Transaction Status (Failed or Captured), Gateway (Failed or Complete), Capture Attempts (Amount of attempts to recapture Payment) Last attempt (Date of last attempt) Actions (Recapture or Cancel):
- You then have a few options you can click on the Trip, Transaction, Customer or one of the Actions.
- If You click on Trip it will bring up the details of the Journey, you then have the option to Recapture Payment from this screen:
- If you click on Transaction it will bring up the details from the transaction:
- If you click on the Customer it will bring up all the Journeys they have had, and how they have paid:
- If you click on the Action Recapture Payment it will bring up the following so you can recapture the transaction. Once you have attempted the Recaptures after two minutes you may need to refresh the screen and the Recapture Payment will either stay the same if it failed or change to Refund Journey if it completed:
- If you click on the Action Cancel Payment it will cancel the Pre Auth of the Transaction.